A blog can be the lifeblood of your business, but coming up with ideas for new content is the bane of every person ever tasked with keeping a blog. For business owners, while blogging needs to be a part of your search engine marketing strategy, finding the time to come of with ideas can be nearly impossible.

search engine optimization sarasota

Here are ten ways you can repurpose content you’ve already created, without being slammed by Google (or annoying your readers):

1. Create an ebook – Do you have a lot of interesting content that you’ve posted to your blog over the years? Could it all be combined into a cohesive ebook, even if it requires a little editing?

2. Podcasts – Podcasts are a great way to rehash topics that you’ve used before, in a format that those who are unwilling to read a blog post or ebook will still engage with.

3. Post to social media – You can post quotes from content you’ve already published to social media for maximum social impact. You can break up blog posts to provide yourself with weeks or even years worth of posts for Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

4. Create a video – Use your content and a few visual aids to create a great video that your page visitors are sure to love.

5. Presentations – Sources like SlideShare give you the ability to use content you’ve already created and transform it into a totally new medium.

6. Use it in a newsletter – You’ve posted it to your blog, but if you haven’t sent it out to your email marketing list, you’re not making the most of your content.

7. Create a webinar – Turn that content you’ve already created into the introduction or conclusion to a webinar, where you expand on the ideas you’ve already presented and give actionable tips and tricks in order to make them better.

8. Create a landing page – If you’ve already written a blog post about your service or product, use that content and expand it to include your features and benefits more fully, and you’ve got landing page content.

9. A press release – Press releases do differ from blog posts in a number of significant ways, but you can repurpose some of the content from your blogs into an effective press release.

10. Take a look at your past – Create a master post that revisits some of the highlights of your blog, in an easy to read and access format.

While you don’t just want to duplicate your content, there are plenty of ways to repurpose it!

A blog can be the lifeblood of your business, but coming up with ideas for new content is the bane of every person ever tasked with keeping a blog. For business owners, while blogging needs to be a part of your search engine marketing strategy, finding the time to come of with ideas can be nearly impossible.

search engine optimization sarasota

Here are ten ways you can repurpose content you’ve already created, without being slammed by Google (or annoying your readers):

1. Create an ebook – Do you have a lot of interesting content that you’ve posted to your blog over the years? Could it all be combined into a cohesive ebook, even if it requires a little editing?

2. Podcasts – Podcasts are a great way to rehash topics that you’ve used before, in a format that those who are unwilling to read a blog post or ebook will still engage with.

3. Post to social media – You can post quotes from content you’ve already published to social media for maximum social impact. You can break up blog posts to provide yourself with weeks or even years worth of posts for Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

4. Create a video – Use your content and a few visual aids to create a great video that your page visitors are sure to love.

5. Presentations – Sources like SlideShare give you the ability to use content you’ve already created and transform it into a totally new medium.

6. Use it in a newsletter – You’ve posted it to your blog, but if you haven’t sent it out to your email marketing list, you’re not making the most of your content.

7. Create a webinar – Turn that content you’ve already created into the introduction or conclusion to a webinar, where you expand on the ideas you’ve already presented and give actionable tips and tricks in order to make them better.

8. Create a landing page – If you’ve already written a blog post about your service or product, use that content and expand it to include your features and benefits more fully, and you’ve got landing page content.

9. A press release – Press releases do differ from blog posts in a number of significant ways, but you can repurpose some of the content from your blogs into an effective press release.

10. Take a look at your past – Create a master post that revisits some of the highlights of your blog, in an easy to read and access format.

While you don’t just want to duplicate your content, there are plenty of ways to repurpose it!