With content marketing becoming a staple in any organization’s outreach strategy, church Pastors are feeling the urge to begin blogging, and sharing their thoughts with their congregations and communities. Problem is, starting a blog can sometimes be tough.

If you’re looking to start writing, here are six subjects that Pastors can blog about:

content marketing solutions

Explain Why You Are Choosing To Blog

You’ve chosen to begin writing a blog, but why? Explain to readers who you are, and why you feel the urge to share your thoughts on particular subjects. Are you looking to teach? Maybe to inspire? Maybe you just want to take a position on particular subjects and issues. Let the world know these reasons.

Reflect on Current Pop Culture Events

It’s almost impossible to ignore pop culture events in today’s world. Between Facebook and Twitter, the news and television shows, everybody has something to say about the things going on in the world. So, write articles based on your opinions and views on these subjects.

Share Your Beliefs on a Political Issue, and Explain

Especially this time of the year, there are so many political issues being discussed online concerning Presidential candidates, policies, and beliefs. How do you side on particular policies? Your congregations will be very interested in your thoughts on what a recent candidate had to say regarding a topic, and they may be curious as to what scripture ha to say on the subject. Answer those questions and explain why you stand on one side or the other.

Share Your Favorite Biblical Passages

This should be an easy one – Tell me you favorite passages or, tell readers why a particular verse is one of your favorites. How does it apply to your life? How can readers apply it to their lives? Why is it such an important verse in your opinion?

Share Your Personal Spiritual Disciplines

The majority of people struggle with finding a balance between life and spirituality. What are you suggestions about daily or ongoing disciplines? What have you found success in your own life with, and how can readers implement it into their own everyday lives?

Answers to Common Questions

More than likely, your church members and colleagues come to you for spiritual guidance. What questions do they ask? You don’t have to include their names in your blog, but writing articles on the question you received, and how you answered it may help others in the same situation.

If you’re considering starting or re-energizing your own blog, I suggest you jump in with both feet. Now is definitely as good a time as ever to begin writing content. I hope that these topics have given you some ideas to get started, and if you need any further guidance, tweet to me @ChrisIsBald.

With content marketing becoming a staple in any organization’s outreach strategy, church Pastors are feeling the urge to begin blogging, and sharing their thoughts with their congregations and communities. Problem is, starting a blog can sometimes be tough.

If you’re looking to start writing, here are six subjects that Pastors can blog about:

content marketing solutions

Explain Why You Are Choosing To Blog

You’ve chosen to begin writing a blog, but why? Explain to readers who you are, and why you feel the urge to share your thoughts on particular subjects. Are you looking to teach? Maybe to inspire? Maybe you just want to take a position on particular subjects and issues. Let the world know these reasons.

Reflect on Current Pop Culture Events

It’s almost impossible to ignore pop culture events in today’s world. Between Facebook and Twitter, the news and television shows, everybody has something to say about the things going on in the world. So, write articles based on your opinions and views on these subjects.

Share Your Beliefs on a Political Issue, and Explain

Especially this time of the year, there are so many political issues being discussed online concerning Presidential candidates, policies, and beliefs. How do you side on particular policies? Your congregations will be very interested in your thoughts on what a recent candidate had to say regarding a topic, and they may be curious as to what scripture ha to say on the subject. Answer those questions and explain why you stand on one side or the other.

Share Your Favorite Biblical Passages

This should be an easy one – Tell me you favorite passages or, tell readers why a particular verse is one of your favorites. How does it apply to your life? How can readers apply it to their lives? Why is it such an important verse in your opinion?

Share Your Personal Spiritual Disciplines

The majority of people struggle with finding a balance between life and spirituality. What are you suggestions about daily or ongoing disciplines? What have you found success in your own life with, and how can readers implement it into their own everyday lives?

Answers to Common Questions

More than likely, your church members and colleagues come to you for spiritual guidance. What questions do they ask? You don’t have to include their names in your blog, but writing articles on the question you received, and how you answered it may help others in the same situation.

If you’re considering starting or re-energizing your own blog, I suggest you jump in with both feet. Now is definitely as good a time as ever to begin writing content. I hope that these topics have given you some ideas to get started, and if you need any further guidance, tweet to me @ChrisIsBald.

Published on August 8, 2015

About the Author: Chris Williams

Founder at Aginto, and an organic marketing specialist, Chris has worked on everything from SEO to social media marketing to conversion optimization. He spends his downtime raising his daughter, volunteering with the Salvation Army, and obsessing over the Ohio State Buckeyes on Twitter. You can follow him here.