10 04, 2015

Why You Need a Responsive Website NOW


There is no denying it anymore — If you haven't already converted your website into a mobile responsive format, there's not much more time to wait before Google's massive April 21st update. Over the past few years, mobile traffic has seen a tremendous growth and as of last year it has even surpassed desktop traffic. As staggering as this statistic is, most businesses still haven yet to convert to a responsive website design. When mobile traffic visits a website that isn’t responsive it results in a horrible user experience, and almost always results in a lost opportunity at converting that visitor into a customer.

Why You Need a Responsive Website NOW2024-01-13T18:54:43-05:00
10 03, 2014

New Website is up, Now What?


Launching a new website is a significant business achievement. If you’ve done it right, your content is compelling, your call-to-actions are enticing, and your blog is buzzing… Now what?

New Website is up, Now What?2024-01-13T19:16:34-05:00