When your company decides to host an event, there’s usually a motive behind it. You may be able to host upwards of 1,000 stakeholders and influencers in a massive convention center, but we’d all jump at the chance to open our guest list to the masses.
Last month, Hillary Clinton hosted hosting an event in New York but broadcasted it live over Twitter’s live video service, with Clinton Supporter Michelle Kwan hosting the feed. Clinton’s campaign is pitching the New York rally as the“official” start of her presidential campaign, but of course this effort had been in full force for a while now.
If you hold an annual event and live stream it through Periscope, people will recognize your events as can’t-miss and your ticket sales will boost next time around. You can still leverage the popularity of Twitter to promote your live stream and ensure you have a strong following leading up to the event. You can convey your company culture and personalize your brand by interacting with viewers. And you can capitalize on the fact that you can see who’s interacting with your event for lead-generation purposes
If you’re hosting an event, make sure you’re making announcements prior to your event. Live streaming notifications are an important thing to remember. If people don’t see your tweet at that particular moment then they may miss your live stream. Make sure you tell people before the event and encourage them to follow you on Periscope as they will then also get a notification from the Periscope app when your stream starts. If you make announcements like this heavily in advance, people can have the live stream in their calendars in just the same way they would if they were attending the event in person. Keep tweeting before the event so that people are reminded about it and continue to do so during the event as you may get more people joining part way through if they see a later tweet.
Lastly, invest in a tripod or camera holding apparatus of some sort. Holding your phone and trying to host your event will result in visitors seeing a shaking screen and that’s the professional image you’re wanting to portray. You’re viewers won’t want to continue to come back for more streams if they feel like their watching a remake of the Blair Witch Project. So make sure that your camera is steadied and focused, and don’t be afraid to have a few trial runs prior to going live.
Periscope can be a powerful media tool for your business, if run properly. So have fun, be sharp, and stream on!
When your company decides to host an event, there’s usually a motive behind it. You may be able to host upwards of 1,000 stakeholders and influencers in a massive convention center, but we’d all jump at the chance to open our guest list to the masses.
Last month, Hillary Clinton hosted hosting an event in New York but broadcasted it live over Twitter’s live video service, with Clinton Supporter Michelle Kwan hosting the feed. Clinton’s campaign is pitching the New York rally as the“official” start of her presidential campaign, but of course this effort had been in full force for a while now.
If you hold an annual event and live stream it through Periscope, people will recognize your events as can’t-miss and your ticket sales will boost next time around. You can still leverage the popularity of Twitter to promote your live stream and ensure you have a strong following leading up to the event. You can convey your company culture and personalize your brand by interacting with viewers. And you can capitalize on the fact that you can see who’s interacting with your event for lead-generation purposes
If you’re hosting an event, make sure you’re making announcements prior to your event. Live streaming notifications are an important thing to remember. If people don’t see your tweet at that particular moment then they may miss your live stream. Make sure you tell people before the event and encourage them to follow you on Periscope as they will then also get a notification from the Periscope app when your stream starts. If you make announcements like this heavily in advance, people can have the live stream in their calendars in just the same way they would if they were attending the event in person. Keep tweeting before the event so that people are reminded about it and continue to do so during the event as you may get more people joining part way through if they see a later tweet.
Lastly, invest in a tripod or camera holding apparatus of some sort. Holding your phone and trying to host your event will result in visitors seeing a shaking screen and that’s the professional image you’re wanting to portray. You’re viewers won’t want to continue to come back for more streams if they feel like their watching a remake of the Blair Witch Project. So make sure that your camera is steadied and focused, and don’t be afraid to have a few trial runs prior to going live.
Periscope can be a powerful media tool for your business, if run properly. So have fun, be sharp, and stream on!
Published on July 6, 2015