It’s hard to watch a qualified prospect lose interest and get away. While many of your most qualified prospects will find exactly what they are looking for on your website and will immediately make a purchase, some will just need a little more warming up. Here’s how to re-market to those leads to keep them engaged:

how to remarket

1. Make sure your audience is segmented

Some people might be getting away because you are not showing them the right information. Make sure your audience is properly segmented before you do any marketing or re-marketing.

2. Use email

Email delivers your message right into the inbox of your leads and, unlike other marketing methods, is extremely cheap. A properly designed and worded re-marketing email can draw in those leads that you thought got away.

3. Improve CRM

If you don’t have adequate CRM, now is the time to get it. Make sure you have one comprehensive source for relationship management, so you can see where your leads are coming from and find different channels to re-market to those leads.

Related: Which CRM Should Your Business be Using?

4. Pay attention to attribution

You need to know what your leads are doing. How far down your sales funnel did they get before they bailed out? This information will tell you how exactly you need to be re-marketing to those leads so that you get the most out of them.

5. Use dynamic creative ads

You probably are already using this type of ad for re-marketing, but just in case you aren’t, it is worth mentioning. These are ads that actively adapt to the user and to their surroundings, including changing the color of the ad shown or the wording of the ad shown to make sure it is serving up the most effective ad for that slot.

It’s hard to watch a qualified prospect lose interest and get away. While many of your most qualified prospects will find exactly what they are looking for on your website and will immediately make a purchase, some will just need a little more warming up. Here’s how to re-market to those leads to keep them engaged:

how to remarket

1. Make sure your audience is segmented

Some people might be getting away because you are not showing them the right information. Make sure your audience is properly segmented before you do any marketing or re-marketing.

2. Use email

Email delivers your message right into the inbox of your leads and, unlike other marketing methods, is extremely cheap. A properly designed and worded re-marketing email can draw in those leads that you thought got away.

3. Improve CRM

If you don’t have adequate CRM, now is the time to get it. Make sure you have one comprehensive source for relationship management, so you can see where your leads are coming from and find different channels to re-market to those leads.

Related: Which CRM Should Your Business be Using?

4. Pay attention to attribution

You need to know what your leads are doing. How far down your sales funnel did they get before they bailed out? This information will tell you how exactly you need to be re-marketing to those leads so that you get the most out of them.

5. Use dynamic creative ads

You probably are already using this type of ad for re-marketing, but just in case you aren’t, it is worth mentioning. These are ads that actively adapt to the user and to their surroundings, including changing the color of the ad shown or the wording of the ad shown to make sure it is serving up the most effective ad for that slot.

Published on October 11, 2016

About the Author: Chris Williams

Founder at Aginto, and an organic marketing specialist, Chris has worked on everything from SEO to social media marketing to conversion optimization. He spends his downtime raising his daughter, volunteering with the Salvation Army, and obsessing over the Ohio State Buckeyes on Twitter. You can follow him here.