Donald Carlson, the owner of Tweeds, delved deep into the history of his venture and personal experiences in the clothing industry. Born into a family entrenched in the dry cleaning business, Donald grew up working with his father, eventually aiding in the expansion of the family venture from 2012 to 2019. However, after feeling burnt out, he pivoted, “I decided to buy a 16 foot box truck, build a suit shop inside of it, and try to start selling custom made clothing.” This innovative idea was inspired during a road trip, where Donald was struck by a similar concept, leading him to remark, “I just got inspired.”
Donald’s entrepreneurial spirit shone brightly when he recalled his early days, stating, “I remember getting down to like, $500 in my bank account.” He elaborated on the importance of tailoring, emphasizing it as an art. He believes in catering to personal preferences, mentioning, “Everybody wants a different fit.” He explained Tweeds’ process that includes extensive measurements and personalized fittings.
One of his most memorable client interactions involved forgetting his tape measure during his very first client meeting, humorously recalling, “first real appointment, forgot my tape measure.”
Donald also reflected on the business’s evolution. Originally convinced he’d remain mobile with the box truck model, he later opened up to the brick-and-mortar store idea. “Now we’re kind of doing like a hybrid,” Donald shared, emphasizing the flexibility and client-centric approach of Tweeds.
Overall, Donald Carlson’s journey with Tweeds showcases a mix of dedication, adaptability, and an innate understanding of the importance of personal touch in the clothing business.
Reach out to Donald directly at 941-343-7606
Visit him online
And follow him on Instagram @Tweedssuitshop