Law Firm marketing can be a minefield. You have to find the right tone, convey the right message. The best kind of marketing is usually lighthearted and funny, and this simply does not work for most law firms, making you feel like your only option is to put out stale, repetitive ads that do nothing to engage your viewer or convince them to contact you when they need legal help.

If you have a marketing campaign in place but you are not seeing the results you expected to see, you might be making one of these common law firm marketing mistakes:

Not Having a Clear Marketing Plan

You might have marketing tactics, but do you have a very clear marketing plan? Do you know exactly what you are trying to achieve with your marketing campaigns and why you are trying to achieve those things? Most importantly, do you know how you are going to be achieving those goals?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Rank higher on Google and watch your case load & revenues soar.” style=”flat” color=”mulled-wine” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”View Our Attorney Marketing Services” btn_color=”white” btn_link=”||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Not having a clear marketing plan will certainly kill your marketing efforts. You can dump thousands of dollars into specific tactics, but if you do not actually have a cohesive plan that ties all of those things together, you are going to be firing shots into the dark.

law firm marketing

Your Image is Not Current

If you are still using the same logos, ads, and marketing content that you were using ten years ago, it is not going to be effective on today’s consumer. Most consumers are looking for streamlined, modern design, and though you might be a completely legitimate, modern law firm, if your image is not mirroring that reality, because it has not been updated recently, it is ultimately going to hurt you and make it impossible to get anyone to look your way.

A good solution to this problem?

Update everything.

Make sure your content is up to date, get new versions of your logo and website designed, and make sure that you are making the most modern impression on your potential clients as possible.

Not Working With an Expert

seo servicesDigital marketing is a labyrinth. How do you know which tactics to spend your money on?

How do you know where to advertise?

What kind of copy and images are going to speak to your target audience?

How to glean data from the performance of those marketing tactics?

How to interpret that data?

While this is not something that is not necessarily accessible for the average person, there is a huge time commitment that comes along with trying to learn it. If you want to get your marketing campaign off the ground quickly, you want to be working with an expert that already knows everything that you would have to learn while you are trying to get your campaign off of the ground.

Not Following What Your Competition Are Doing

While there is no doubt that it is valuable to know what your competition are doing with their marketing campaigns, if you are just following exactly what they are doing, you are always going to be one step behind them.

All marketing tactics favor the individual who got there first. That means that if you spend your precious time just trying to mimic what another law firm is already doing, you will always find yourself second best, and your target audience might even start to view you as a copycat.

Not Staying in Contact With Past Clients

Did you know that most clients abandon the law firms they are working with because they feel neglected? They don’t leave because they didn’t win their case, they leave because you did not try to stay in touch with them. Make a commitment right now to making staying in contact with past clients a part of your marketing campaign. Even just an email list of your past clients that you routinely send out a note to can be helpful for re-engaging past clients.[easy-tweet tweet=”Many clients abandon the law firms they are working with because they feel neglected.” via=”no” usehashtags=”no”]

You Have Not Established a Culture of Marketing

What is a culture of marketing? In short, it is a culture inside your office that encourages your staff to be always looking for marketing avenues and to take their own initiative when it comes to engaging with potential clients. While these activities might not be billable, they are very valuable to your firm, even if it is just your secretary calling past clients and asking them for feedback about how your firm did or did not meet their needs.

Never be afraid to foster a marketing effort or to look for new ways to reach out to new clients and encourage your staff to do the same.

Law Firm marketing can be a minefield. You have to find the right tone, convey the right message. The best kind of marketing is usually lighthearted and funny, and this simply does not work for most law firms, making you feel like your only option is to put out stale, repetitive ads that do nothing to engage your viewer or convince them to contact you when they need legal help.

If you have a marketing campaign in place but you are not seeing the results you expected to see, you might be making one of these common law firm marketing mistakes:

Not Having a Clear Marketing Plan

You might have marketing tactics, but do you have a very clear marketing plan? Do you know exactly what you are trying to achieve with your marketing campaigns and why you are trying to achieve those things? Most importantly, do you know how you are going to be achieving those goals?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Rank higher on Google and watch your case load & revenues soar.” style=”flat” color=”mulled-wine” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”View Our Attorney Marketing Services” btn_color=”white” btn_link=”||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Not having a clear marketing plan will certainly kill your marketing efforts. You can dump thousands of dollars into specific tactics, but if you do not actually have a cohesive plan that ties all of those things together, you are going to be firing shots into the dark.

law firm marketing

Your Image is Not Current

If you are still using the same logos, ads, and marketing content that you were using ten years ago, it is not going to be effective on today’s consumer. Most consumers are looking for streamlined, modern design, and though you might be a completely legitimate, modern law firm, if your image is not mirroring that reality, because it has not been updated recently, it is ultimately going to hurt you and make it impossible to get anyone to look your way.

A good solution to this problem?

Update everything.

Make sure your content is up to date, get new versions of your logo and website designed, and make sure that you are making the most modern impression on your potential clients as possible.

Not Working With an Expert

seo servicesDigital marketing is a labyrinth. How do you know which tactics to spend your money on?

How do you know where to advertise?

What kind of copy and images are going to speak to your target audience?

How to glean data from the performance of those marketing tactics?

How to interpret that data?

While this is not something that is not necessarily accessible for the average person, there is a huge time commitment that comes along with trying to learn it. If you want to get your marketing campaign off the ground quickly, you want to be working with an expert that already knows everything that you would have to learn while you are trying to get your campaign off of the ground.

Not Following What Your Competition Are Doing

While there is no doubt that it is valuable to know what your competition are doing with their marketing campaigns, if you are just following exactly what they are doing, you are always going to be one step behind them.

All marketing tactics favor the individual who got there first. That means that if you spend your precious time just trying to mimic what another law firm is already doing, you will always find yourself second best, and your target audience might even start to view you as a copycat.

Not Staying in Contact With Past Clients

Did you know that most clients abandon the law firms they are working with because they feel neglected? They don’t leave because they didn’t win their case, they leave because you did not try to stay in touch with them. Make a commitment right now to making staying in contact with past clients a part of your marketing campaign. Even just an email list of your past clients that you routinely send out a note to can be helpful for re-engaging past clients.[easy-tweet tweet=”Many clients abandon the law firms they are working with because they feel neglected.” via=”no” usehashtags=”no”]

You Have Not Established a Culture of Marketing

What is a culture of marketing? In short, it is a culture inside your office that encourages your staff to be always looking for marketing avenues and to take their own initiative when it comes to engaging with potential clients. While these activities might not be billable, they are very valuable to your firm, even if it is just your secretary calling past clients and asking them for feedback about how your firm did or did not meet their needs.

Never be afraid to foster a marketing effort or to look for new ways to reach out to new clients and encourage your staff to do the same.

Published on April 4, 2016

About the Author: Ashley Bardonaro

Ashley Bardonaro is a Content Writer & Strategist at Aginto. Her main focus and passion is creating amazing content that is accurate, up-to-date, and (most importantly) educational to business owners. Follow her on Twitter.