11 05, 2023

Turning Company Employees into Social Media Advocates


In order for a company to truly be effective on social media, it’s important to have employees that are social media advocates. But what is a social media advocate and how do you turn your employees into them? Keep reading to find out! What is a Social Media Advocate? A social media advocate is [...]

Turning Company Employees into Social Media Advocates2023-05-09T22:10:35-05:00
9 05, 2023

Creating a Better Customer Experience Begins With a Better Employee Experience


Employee experience (EX) is quickly becoming an essential area of focus for businesses. In the past two years, we have seen a rapid shift in employee expectations, with many companies having to re-evaluate their strategies and investments to align with modern trends and demands. The truth is, when it comes to taking good care [...]

Creating a Better Customer Experience Begins With a Better Employee Experience2023-05-07T14:01:54-05:00